Tri-Service Education and Learning Hub

Mission Statement
This forum was designed to enable Minnesota-based graduates of USNA, USAFA and USMA and their families to explore resources to allow them to pursue advanced education, to further their careers and lives.
The Minnesota chapters of the US Naval Academy Alumni Association, US Air Force Academy Association of Graduates, and the West Point Society of MN have combined their efforts to establish this website.
Please forward specific education opportunities, scholarship information and other content you wish to have added to this website to: Dr. Terry Flower at [email protected]
Veteran’s Affairs
Educational Benefits Click here to start the process, find what VA benefits you are eligible to receive and how to get them.
Minnesota GI Bill
Find out about the state educational benefits available to you through the Office of Higher Education.
Minnesota Colleges and Universities
Get information on admission, financial aid and programs for Minnesota institutions with this handy list of links.
Online Colleges and Universities
A handy set of links for Colleges and Universities from all over that deliver programs online.
Surviving Spouse & Dependent Education Benefit
The Surviving Spouse and Dependent Education benefit is for spouses and dependents, including adopted and step-children, whose veteran spouse and/or veteran parent died while on active duty, or as a result of a service-connected condition. The veteran must have been a resident of Minnesota when they entered the military, or have been a resident of Minnesota for at least six months prior to passing away due to a service connected disability.
Applicants must be Minnesota residents and the spouse cannot be remarried. There is no age limitation for eligible survivors.
More information can be found here⇒